
Natural Quality Palm Kennel Oil For Sale

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  • One the richest natural sources of healthy saturated fat and lauric acid.
  • Palm Kernel Oil is great oil for soap making,
  • Organic PALM OIL is a great aromatherapy carrier oil, massage oil or after bath oil.
  • Organic PALM OIL is universal oil used primarily for soap making sustainable, skincare and hair care.
  • Organic PALM KERNEL OIL is acquired from first presses of kernel seed of the palm tree, harvested from wild-growing plantations in Brazil.


In the world of oils and fats, the lauric oils are the “aristocrats”. There are very few of them, they
move in their own higher price plateau and they do not mix comfortably with the common oils and
fats. Among the seventeen major oils and fats in world trade, there are only two lauric oils,
namely, coconut oil (CNO) and palm kernel oil (PKO). They are called “lauric” because lauric acid
is the major fatty acid in their composition (at about 50{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200}), while no other major oil contains more
than about 1{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} (butter fat contains 3{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200}).
Oil Palm Cultivation
Palm kernel oil is very similar to coconut oil in fatty acid composition and properties. The two
trees also look rather similar, both are called “palms” but they belong to different genera. Coconut
palm is “Cocos nucifera”, while the oil palm, which gives both palm oil (PO) and PKO is “Elaeis
guineensis”. This tree is generally believed to have originated in the jungle forests of East Africa
and there is some evidence that palm oil was used in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs, some
5000 years ago. Nowadays, however, its cultivation is confined mostly to South East Asia.
The variety cultivated in nearly all the world’s plantations is the hybrid “Tenera” which gives the
highest yield of oil per hectare of any crop. The relative economic efficiency of the oil palm is
easily seen from the following simple calculation – soyabeans in the USA give a yield of about 2.5
tonnes of beans per hectare (1 hectare = 2.47 acres), which translates into about 0.5 tonne of oil
and 2 tonnes of meal. Taking the price of meal at about 40{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of the price of the oil, the total
income to the farmer is equivalent to 1.3 tonnes of oil. In Malaysia, oil palms yield an average of
3.75 tonnes of palm oil, plus 0.6 tonnes of palm kernel oil, plus 0.6 tonnes of palm kernel meal,
with income equivalent to 4.5 tonnes of oil. Furthermore, the oil palm is capable of vastly greater
yields. PORIM has found trees which give more than double the above yields and their palm oil
has the iodine value and fluidity of current super-olein. PORIM is also researching tissue culture
which, one day, could push yields to twice as much again.
The palm fruit looks like a plum. The outer fleshy mesocarp gives the palm oil, while the kernel
(which is inside a hard shell) gives palm kernel oil. It is rather strange that the two oils from the
same fruit are entirely different in fatty acid composition and properties. In palm oil, most of the
fatty acids are C16 (i.e. have 16 carbon atoms) and higher, while in palm kernel oil, they are C14
and lower.
Production and Exports
The largest palm kernel oil producing country by far is Malaysia, which accounts for more than
52.8{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of world production, while two countries, Malaysia and Indonesia together, account for
about 80{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of production and 90{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of exports. No other country produces more than 8{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} or
exports more than 3{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200}.
A record production of 19.904 million tonnes was registered in 1999; an increase of 19.3 percent
over the previous year’s production of 16.681 million tonnes. Palm oil share in the global oils and
fats production jumped from 16.26 percent in 1998 to 18.7 percent in 1999. The year saw
significant rebounds in palm oil supply, exports and consumption.
Palm oil is expected to demonstrate an annual growth of 4.57{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} over the next five years.
Production is expected to reach 26.2 million tonnes by the year 2005, and anticipated to account
for around 20{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of the global oils and fats supply.
Malaysia and Indonesia will be at the forefront of this production growth, with production forecasts
of some 12.2 million tonnes by the year 2005 in Malaysia, while Indonesia is expected to reach
9.4 million tonnes in production.
Exports are likely to grow at an annual rate of 5.55{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} during the period and jump from 13.8 million
to 18.1 million tonnes. Accounting for some 41{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of global exports of oils and fats.
Composition and Properties
The major fatty acids in palm kernel oil are about 48{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} lauric acid (C12), 16{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} myristic acid (C14)
and 15{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} oleic acid (C18:1). No other fatty acid is present at more than 10{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} and it is this heavy
preponderance of lauric acid which gives palm kernel oil and, indeed, coconut oil, their sharp
melting properties, meaning hardness at room temperature combined with a low melting point.
This is the outstanding property of lauric oils which determines their use in the edible field and
justifies their usually higher price compared with most other oils.
Even after full hydrogenation, the melting point of palm kernel oil does not rise much above
mouth temperature and fractionation gives a stearin, which is even sharper melting. Sharp
melting fats leave a clean, cool, non-greasy sensation on the palate, impossible to match by any
of the common non-lauric oils. Cocoa butter and palm mid-fraction come to mind, but they are
much more expensive.
Palm kernel oil is about 82{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} saturated, which is much more than the major liquid oils, such as
soybean which is only 16{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} saturated or sunflower oil which is 12{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} saturated. Nutritionally, this
may be thought of as a great disadvantage, but such simplistic comparisons are misleading.
Lauric oils are only used in foods where a solid fat is needed and, when liquid oils are
hydrogenated to a similar consistency, they form not only more saturates, but also trans fatty
acids which recent studies have shown to be even more objectionable in regard to blood
cholesterol profiles than the saturated ones. Another consideration is that because of their higher
price and special properties, lauric oils are only used where clearly necessary and so only reach
a modest level in our diet. In the UK, for example, annual per capita disappearance (use for all
purposes) for both lauric oils combined is 2.2 kg, as opposed to 35 kg for the non-laurics.
Malaysian palm kernel oil bought from origin is often traded according to the Malaysian Edible Oil
Manufacturers’ Association (MEOMA) specifications, details of which are shown in Table 3. The
same body also sets the trading specifications of the other major products derived from palm
kernels, such as palm kernel meal, palm kernel stearin, palm kernel olein and palm kernel fatty
Because of their similarity in composition and properties, palm kernel oil has similar uses to
coconut oil in both the edible and non-edible fields. There are, however, some small differences.
Palm kernel oil is more unsaturated and so can be hydrogenated to a wider range of products for
the food industry, while coconut oil has a somewhat greater content of the more valuable shorter-
chain fatty acids, which makes it a little more valuable for the oleochemical industry.
Palm kernel oil and its hydrogenated and fractionated products are widely used either alone or in
blends with other oils for biscuit doughs and filling creams, cake icings, ice-cream, imitation
whipping cream, substitute chocolate and other coatings, sharp-melting margarines, etc.

Palm Kernel Oil
Palm Kernal article was written by by T P Pantzaris and Mohd Jaaffar Ahmad, Palm Oil
Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM Europe)
In the world of oils and fats, the lauric oils are the “aristocrats”. There are very few of them, they
move in their own higher price plateau and they do not mix comfortably with the common oils and
fats. Among the seventeen major oils and fats in world trade, there are only two lauric oils,
namely, coconut oil (CNO) and palm kernel oil (PKO). They are called “lauric” because lauric acid
is the major fatty acid in their composition (at about 50{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200}), while no other major oil contains more
than about 1{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} (butter fat contains 3{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200}).
Oil Palm Cultivation
Palm kernel oil is very similar to coconut oil in fatty acid composition and properties. The two
trees also look rather similar, both are called “palms” but they belong to different genera. Coconut
palm is “Cocos nucifera”, while the oil palm, which gives both palm oil (PO) and PKO is “Elaeis
guineensis”. This tree is generally believed to have originated in the jungle forests of East Africa
and there is some evidence that palm oil was used in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs, some
5000 years ago. Nowadays, however, its cultivation is confined mostly to South East Asia.
The variety cultivated in nearly all the world’s plantations is the hybrid “Tenera” which gives the
highest yield of oil per hectare of any crop. The relative economic efficiency of the oil palm is
easily seen from the following simple calculation – soyabeans in the USA give a yield of about 2.5
tonnes of beans per hectare (1 hectare = 2.47 acres), which translates into about 0.5 tonne of oil
and 2 tonnes of meal. Taking the price of meal at about 40{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of the price of the oil, the total
income to the farmer is equivalent to 1.3 tonnes of oil. In Malaysia, oil palms yield an average of
3.75 tonnes of palm oil, plus 0.6 tonnes of palm kernel oil, plus 0.6 tonnes of palm kernel meal,
with income equivalent to 4.5 tonnes of oil. Furthermore, the oil palm is capable of vastly greater
yields. PORIM has found trees which give more than double the above yields and their palm oil
has the iodine value and fluidity of current super-olein. PORIM is also researching tissue culture
which, one day, could push yields to twice as much again.
The palm fruit looks like a plum. The outer fleshy mesocarp gives the palm oil, while the kernel
(which is inside a hard shell) gives palm kernel oil. It is rather strange that the two oils from the
same fruit are entirely different in fatty acid composition and properties. In palm oil, most of the
fatty acids are C16 (i.e. have 16 carbon atoms) and higher, while in palm kernel oil, they are C14
and lower.
Production and Exports
The largest palm kernel oil producing country by far is Malaysia, which accounts for more than
52.8{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of world production, while two countries, Malaysia and Indonesia together, account for
about 80{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of production and 90{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of exports. No other country produces more than 8{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} or
exports more than 3{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200}.
A record production of 19.904 million tonnes was registered in 1999; an increase of 19.3 percent
over the previous year’s production of 16.681 million tonnes. Palm oil share in the global oils and
fats production jumped from 16.26 percent in 1998 to 18.7 percent in 1999. The year saw
significant rebounds in palm oil supply, exports and consumption.
Palm oil is expected to demonstrate an annual growth of 4.57{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} over the next five years.
Production is expected to reach 26.2 million tonnes by the year 2005, and anticipated to account
for around 20{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of the global oils and fats supply.
Malaysia and Indonesia will be at the forefront of this production growth, with production forecasts
of some 12.2 million tonnes by the year 2005 in Malaysia, while Indonesia is expected to reach
9.4 million tonnes in production.
Exports are likely to grow at an annual rate of 5.55{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} during the period and jump from 13.8 million
to 18.1 million tonnes. Accounting for some 41{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} of global exports of oils and fats.
Composition and Properties
The major fatty acids in palm kernel oil are about 48{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} lauric acid (C12), 16{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} myristic acid (C14)
and 15{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} oleic acid (C18:1). No other fatty acid is present at more than 10{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} and it is this heavy
preponderance of lauric acid which gives palm kernel oil and, indeed, coconut oil, their sharp
melting properties, meaning hardness at room temperature combined with a low melting point.
This is the outstanding property of lauric oils which determines their use in the edible field and
justifies their usually higher price compared with most other oils.
Even after full hydrogenation, the melting point of palm kernel oil does not rise much above
mouth temperature and fractionation gives a stearin, which is even sharper melting. Sharp
melting fats leave a clean, cool, non-greasy sensation on the palate, impossible to match by any
of the common non-lauric oils. Cocoa butter and palm mid-fraction come to mind, but they are
much more expensive.
Palm kernel oil is about 82{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} saturated, which is much more than the major liquid oils, such as
soybean which is only 16{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} saturated or sunflower oil which is 12{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} saturated. Nutritionally, this
may be thought of as a great disadvantage, but such simplistic comparisons are misleading.
Lauric oils are only used in foods where a solid fat is needed and, when liquid oils are
hydrogenated to a similar consistency, they form not only more saturates, but also trans fatty
acids which recent studies have shown to be even more objectionable in regard to blood
cholesterol profiles than the saturated ones. Another consideration is that because of their higher
price and special properties, lauric oils are only used where clearly necessary and so only reach
a modest level in our diet. In the UK, for example, annual per capita disappearance (use for all
purposes) for both lauric oils combined is 2.2 kg, as opposed to 35 kg for the non-laurics.
Malaysian palm kernel oil bought from origin is often traded according to the Malaysian Edible Oil
Manufacturers’ Association (MEOMA) specifications, details of which are shown in Table 3. The
same body also sets the trading specifications of the other major products derived from palm
kernels, such as palm kernel meal, palm kernel stearin, palm kernel olein and palm kernel fatty
Because of their similarity in composition and properties, palm kernel oil has similar uses to
coconut oil in both the edible and non-edible fields. There are, however, some small differences.
Palm kernel oil is more unsaturated and so can be hydrogenated to a wider range of products for
the food industry, while coconut oil has a somewhat greater content of the more valuable shorter-
chain fatty acids, which makes it a little more valuable for the oleochemical industry.
Palm kernel oil and its hydrogenated and fractionated products are widely used either alone or in
blends with other oils for biscuit doughs and filling creams, cake icings, ice-cream, imitation
whipping cream, substitute chocolate and other coatings, sharp-melting margarines, etc.
Lauric oils (CNO, PKO) are indispensable in soap making. Good soap must contain at least 15{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200}
lauric oils for quick lathering, while soap made for use in sea water is based on virtually 100{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200}
lauric oils. Lauric oils also confer hardness, solubility and a feel of quality to soap. Coconut oil has
been the traditional fat for this application but, by all accounts, palm kernel oil can substitute it
perfectly and possibly with some subtle advantages.
In the oleochemical industry, very large amounts of palm kernel oil are now used for the
manufacture of short chain fatty acids, fatty alcohols, methyl esters, fatty amines, amides, etc, for
use in detergents, cosmetics and innumerable other products. Until relatively recently, these
oleochemical products were traditionally made from coconut oil, but with palm kernel oil supplies
increasing at a much faster rate and usually at a price advantage, this oil has been making ever
increasing in-roads.
This is a remarkable feat by palm kernel oil given the fact that, in world terms, it was much less
well known than coconut oil and its supplies have been rising much more rapidly. The main
reason is, no doubt, that users have been increasingly able to substitute one lauric oil for the
other and so even out price differences. Malaysia, absorbing over half a million tonnes per annum
for her oleochemical industry, no doubt helped palm kernel oil prices, but it cannot be the main
reason since, in spite of that, in the last five years world exports of palm kernel oil increased by
33{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200}, as opposed to 25{98880d97af0555a3a517c8aae666eeb64e7bd6d49cbbe05617dcb138f6e48200} for coconut oil. The good news for buyers is that the rate of Malaysia’s
oleochemical expansion is bound to slow down and her palm kernel oil exports should start rising
Future Prospects
In world terms, palm kernel oil is still smaller than coconut oil by about one third, but the future
belongs to it. It is a co-product of palm oil, it has lower cost of production and it is rising at a much
faster rate. Furthermore, the coconut producing countries have exactly the climate and soil
conditions required for replanting with oil palms which are more profitable. In the working lifetime of most readers of this article, palm kernel oil will become the major lauric oil.


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